Once Upon a Time is Back!!
Now that I have had time to settle down and enjoy the episode for the umpteenth time without fangirling out or keyboard smashing, I can finally share my thoughts on the return of my favorite show Once...
View ArticleNifty Tuesday
Burning Bath & Body Works Candles Mac Lipstick Disney Decorated for the Holidays Shipping Captain Swan Christmas Shopping C.S. Lewis’s Note New York City in the Winter Studded Sweaters Wishing I...
View Article365 Day Picture Challenge–Day 51-60
Day 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50 and everything here.
View Article356 Day Picture Challenge–Day 61-70
Day 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60 and everything here.
View Article30 Day TV Challenge: Day #5
Day 5. A show you hate. I have a really hard time saying that I hate a show. There are a lot of shows that I haven’t seen so I can’t say I hate them. I also feel that once you get into a show,...
View Article30 Day TV Challenge: Day #19
Day 19. Best TV show cast. Once Upon a Time (2011-) I can’t help but love everyone on this show! Usually with this big of a cast, there is at least someone that you can’t stand but I haven’t found...
View Article30 Day TV Challenge: Day #21
Day 21. Favorite ship. Captain Swan–Captain Hook and Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time I’ve never had a ship before Captain Hook joined the cast of Once Upon a Time. The chemistry between these two was...
View Article30 Day TV Challenge: Day #29
Day 29. Current TV show obsession. Once Upon a Time (2011-) So I’m not sure how to talk about my obsession with this show without everyone thinking I’m completely crazy! I’ve always been a TV fan but...
View Article365 Day Picture Challenge–Day 241-250
Day 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70, 71-80, 81-90, 91-100, 101-110, 111-120, 121-130, 131-140, 141-150, 151-160, 161-170, 171-180, 181-190, 190-200, 201-210, 211-220, 221-230, 231-240...
View ArticleFavorites Friday
Some of My Favorites Being Silly This Ring Made out of Colored Pencils This Art Collection Fun Change Purses This Volcano that Erupted Flower Petals
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